SciFi TV Rewatch



Tuesday Nov 26, 2013

Off the train, Bo finds herself embroiled in a decades old case of familial revenge as a father attempts to protect his family from a malevolent spirit. Dyson and Clio reunite with Bo, but it's Lauren's behavior as her alter ego Amber that garners the most attention in this episode. What role will we see Crystal play as the season unfolds?
Here's the copy of the text from one of the newspaper articles in the scrapbook that Julia shows to Bo. Make of it what you will; I have no clue, but feel it has some meaning.
Newspaper article dated 6/2/1875
I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born, and I will give you a complete account of this system and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.

Saturday Nov 23, 2013

Inter-dimensional travel between planes seems to be the only way Bo will become reunited with her family. Tamsin regenerates while Hale insists on taking baby steps regarding a relationship with Kenzie. Wayne displays his medical acumen, and both point out the writers were put in the unenviable position of telling the stories without Anna Silk.

Friday Nov 15, 2013

Well, we're finally back. At least some of us are back as Bo, Lauren and Tamsin are MIA in the season premiere that finds the gang devoid of any memories of Bo, and though it's somewhat disconcerting to be without the archetypal Lost Girl, we do bear witness to a number of new and different relationship dynamics. While Wayne liked the episode a lot, Dave found it lacking in a number of areas.

Episode 51 World War Z

Friday Nov 01, 2013

Friday Nov 01, 2013

In the final installment of our zombie pilgrimage, we look at the Brad Pitt blockbuster film World War Z. We never learn the cause, and the hero fails to find a cure or vaccine, but the technical aspects of the film are spectacular. Mireille Enos, from The Killing stars as Pitt's wife, and Peter Capaldi, set to star as the 12th Doctor, round out the cast.

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